Location The Velvet Easel Gallery
298 Portobello High Street
EH15 2AS Telephone 07835 813689 & 0131 629 1121 Opening Hours

Monday : Closed

Tuesday : Closed

Wednesday – Saturday 10-5

Sunday 11-5


Home / Artist / Jade Stout

Artist - Jade Stout

Available in the Gallery

Jade Stout is a visual artist based in Falkirk, Scotland who specialises in contemporary landscapes.

Jade is trained as a painter. Graduating in 2000 with a first class undergraduate degree and in 2002 with a fine art postgraduate degree, both from Edinburgh College of Art. Jade exhibited widely after art college, pausing for 10 years whilst her daughter was young, and returned to focused professional practice in 2020.

Jade paints from her garden studio, using acrylic, oil and watercolours to capture reimagined abstract landscapes and seascapes. She focuses on composition, light, layers and atmosphere. Using these to recreate memories of the Orkney Isles landscape and weather in which she grew up. She mixes these visions with the landscapes around her now in the Scottish Central Belt and from recent holidays. Combining these strands into imagined landscapes, not realistic representations.

Jade works on a variety of scales and surfaces. Starting with quick sketches on paper, moving to smaller and then larger canvas refining her compositions through this scaling up.

Traces of coastal landscapes appear, evolve and merge, with influences spanning from the Scottish Isles to Scandinavia and Iceland to Croatia and France. The gentle curve and fall of Orkney beaches is a recurring image. Jade then combines with colours or atmospheric moods from the weather and season around her when painting – connecting and mixing her memories and ideas into something bigger that transcends a single place or time.





Available Work

Tidal Flow - £250 - 32cm by 32cm

Grey Stillness - £400 - 42cm by 42cm

Make an enquiry about Jade Stout
