Rhian Winslade

Rhian Winslade is a potter based in Windsor, Berkshire. She came to ceramics via an unconventional route, after study, many years of music retail, interior design study & a family, she eventually found clay and hasn’t looked back.

The pots and bowls are all hand coiled, a slower process that she loves. These items are solid looking tactile shapes made from stoneware grogged clay. They have a very distinct contrast, the outside of the pots are left free of glaze & textured: the interior smooth & brightly glazed. Her work includes large sculptural pieces made from a gritty grogged clay which sit alongside quirky porcelain decorations & tiles, incorporating glass, paper, fabric & stones.

She loves 1950s textile design and the simplicity of children’s illustrations, drawing inspiration from her allotment which now takes a back seat after falling for clay, and the south coast of Wales where she grew up. She spends far too much time staring out of her workshop window bird watching!

The Velvet Easel Gallery stocks a range of Rhian’s porcelain hanging decorations, and ceramic salt pots.

Examples of Rhian Winslade's Work in The Velvet Easel Gallery

The gallery is a member of the Own Art scheme, which enables customers to purchase artwork in 10 instalments at 0% interest through the Own Art scheme finance arrangement.

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