Standing on a Beach

Claire Evans is a fused glass artist based in Fife.

Working from her beach side studio, coastal elements are a constant source of inspiration.

Kiln forming techniques such as glass casting, fusing and slumping, allow Claire to manipulate the glass through the processes of heat, gravity and chemical reaction. 

The resulting piece  has an element of unpredictability in its formation, which aligns closely to the physical forces and energy of the coast.

Cold working processes are used to exploit the optical qualities of the glass and help create an element of vitality and movement.


A selection of glass pieces are available at The Velvet Easel Gallery, please contact us for more information.

Examples of Standing on a Beach's Work in The Velvet Easel Gallery

The gallery is a member of the Own Art scheme, which enables customers to purchase artwork in 10 instalments at 0% interest through the Own Art scheme finance arrangement.

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